Halal Manufacturing

Manufacturing scaled

Halal Drug Manufacturing

Our services include providing you with relevant information and to connect you with verified contract manufacturing partners that have Halal-compliant state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities of world standing that adhere to Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme and European Union Good Manufacturing Practice standards.

Typical Halal Manufacturing Facility Requirements

Per Malaysian Standards

  • The premise shall be effectively separated and well insulated from all non-halal sources, in order to prevent cross contamination through air, water, personnel and equipment. The layout and design shall also conform to the requirements of the PIC/S guidelines.
  • The premise shall observe to an Islamic value and practice. The presence of non conformance items shall be prohibited within the premise.
  • The premise and equipment used for processing halal pharmaceutical products shall not be made of or contain any materials that are decreed as non-halal and najs by Shariah law and shall be used only for manufacturing of halal pharmaceutical products.
  • The premise and equipment which were previously used or in contact with najs shall be washed and ritually cleansed as required by Shariah law.
  • In the case of converting a processing line containing najs into halal production line, the line shall be washed and ritually cleansed as required by Shariah law. Upon converting into halal production line, the line shall be operated for halal pharmaceutical products only. Repetition in converting the line to najs line and back to halal line, shall not be permitted.
  • There shall be dedicated and self-contained facilities available for the storage of halal pharmaceutical products. This is important to prevent the risk of product contamination becoming non-halal

If you meet the above requirements and are interested in becoming a Halal Manufacturing Partner for our clients, please Contact Us.