Halal Pharmaceutical Market Directory

Major Players in Halal the Pharmaceutical Market.

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Pharmaniaga is a leading Malaysian pharmaceutical company that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of generic drugs and medical devices and is at the forefront of the halal pharmaceutical industry.


Duopharma is at the forefront of the halal pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia. The company has obtained halal certification for a wide range of its products, including antibiotics, analgesics, and other prescription medicines.

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CKD OTTO Pharmaceuticalsis a South Korean/Indonesian joint venture specialize in oncology medicine. They are the first oncology manufacturer that obtain halal certification in Indonesia.

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Daewoong Infion is a joint venture between South Korea and Indonesia, it operates Indonesia’s first biologic plant in Surabaya. In 2020, they achieved halal certification for their erythropoietin (EPO) Epodion, the World’s first halal certification for a biopharmaceutical product derived from animal cells.

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Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) is an emerging producer of high-quality, affordable and innovative biopharmaceuticals to treat a range of metabolic, autoimmune and other major life-threatening diseases, including cancer. Its facilities have the capability to produce biological therapeutics with halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

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Abdi İbrahim is the leader of Turkey’s Pharmaceutical Industry since 2002. The company operates in 16 countries outside Turkey, with exports to over 60 countries.

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CinnaGen is an Iran based biotechnology company.  It manufactured biosimilar drugs, laboratory diagnostic reagents for in vitro use, and recombinant proteins.